LAC F'n harsh Brett: was hydroplaning

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Tue Jun 1 01:06:27 EDT 2004

Brett: Kinda HARSH guy. 

I think this post of Ben's is a GEM, and unless I missed something, Mike's 
reply seemed like a mathematical reference.  Sure some of the terms have gotten 
blurred: common generic terms and specific references, but these lists are to 
share experiences.

So far everyone has chimed in on a partial element / factor of this whole 
contact patch concept.  I'll keep reading............. - Scott by BOSTON
> Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 16:49:11 -0600
> From: bwpearre at (ben)
> I apologise in advance to those of you who want to stop talking about
> contact patches and hydroplaning, but I find this quite interesting,
> and enough other people seem to as well that I thought I should weigh
> in.
> I'd really like to use metric units, but no-one else has, so at great
> personal expense I've used dumb American units.  Not that the units
> are at all important, but sometimes a "concrete" example is useful...?
> With all due respect for Huw, George is right -- there are two
> different definitions of pressure going on here, that the FAA result
> as presented on this list didn't address.  Indeed, "tire pressure"
> tends to refer to the air pressure inside the tire, but it could also
> possibly be used to refer to the pressure of the rubber on the
> pavement.  snip
> Why are they different?  

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