Anyone know how to read plugs?

Brett Dikeman brett at
Wed Jun 2 00:06:40 EDT 2004

At 10:27 PM -0400 6/1/04, Huw Powell wrote:
>>Just pulled these from my friend's NA car and they dont look right to me.
>>There is no "black pepper" on the inside stem, but the electrode is way worn
>>down and has that white crud all over it. Too hot?
>>Please see for the picture of the
>They look fine to me, although they should have been replaced a 
>*long* time ago...

I agree with Huw; it looks exactly like the "normal" picture right to 
a T in the guide Bob found, and are clearly severely worn, or not 
very well made...

Pop some new plugs in, run them for a week or two, and check them 
again if you are concerned.

Running a bottle of full-strength techron (round bottle, available in 
auto parts stores) through might not be a bad idea, but do it right 
before an oil change.  This is not necessary with the "constant use" 
formula, which is in the square bottles you can get from 
VW/Audi...but you need the strong stuff.  The constant use formula is 
more of a preventative maintenance thing.

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