Bypassing the blowby gas system to a catch can?

Bob D bob at
Wed Jun 2 07:52:12 EDT 2004

But the metered air your losing is past the combustion cycle.
I use a catch can but dont return it back to my intake tract at all. It 
vents to atmosphere through a filter. I didnt want any oily air coming 
back into my intake. Over time it makes a mess.


Richard Tanimura wrote:

>I have an S2. Being a turbo, it runs higher pressures
>and has more blow by (probably). I don't know if you
>do but it also has a MAF.
>I am going to put a catch tank in my car. I might also
>try and put some negative pressure in there :-)
>I will route the gas back into the intake tract down
>stream from the MAF since it has already been metered
>once. I don't know how much volume it will be but it
>will ensure that I am running pretty close to the what
>my MAF is metering. 
>As you have understood, venting to atm. means you lose
>some metered air. But if the volume is small, it may
>not matter.
>--- Will Ng <wng-audi at> wrote:
>>The oil in the intake system, the constant vacuum on
>>the rear main seal 
>>causing that nasty screeching noise, and that mushy
>>oil-soaked rubber hose 
>>just waiting to burst, have me wanting to fab a
>>catch can setup to route 
>>the blowby gases to it instead of back into the
>>intake. I would probably 
>>vent to the atmosphere after the catch can. (don't
>>tell the EPA)
>>And plug up the opening at the rubber air horn.
>>Besides removing the oily vapors that can cause
>>detonation, it'll stop the 
>>rear seal problem. I'm probably running lean because
>>of a vacuum leak 
>>there. I can hear occasional detonation when I
>>accelerate even when the air 
>>temps are cool (60F). But the car idles fine at
>>Would removing the blow by from the intake cause
>>running problems? My 
>>concern is whether the mixture ratio be altered
>>since it'll be only fresh 
>>air passing through the intake.
>>1990 200q @ 206k miles.
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