Digital dash back to analog?

santoli9 at santoli9 at
Sat Jun 5 09:31:36 EDT 2004

I've been planning to do that to mine for quite a while. I got an analog dash for it (no random number generator, er...I mean trip computer though). I'm just waiting to get the time, and to get more important things done (like putting the engine back together and such). If you get there before me please tell me how you make out.
> From: "Brendan Walsh" <bkwalsh4201 at>
> Date: 2004/06/04 Fri PM 09:57:38 EDT
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Digital dash back to analog?
> Hey all,
>   Now that the coupe is up and running and i've had a chance to play a 
> little bit, i've figured out i really don't like the digidash all that much. 
> Any one ever converted a digi back to the analog? I would think the 
> connections would be the same for the smaller computer... On the same note 
> any one got an analog dash with the trip/mileage computer in the corner they 
> want to let go cheap; mileage say about 120k? TIA!
> Regards
> Brendan
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