CD Changer Options

Ti Kan ti at
Sat Jun 5 16:32:22 EDT 2004

FlyGuyKy3 at writes:
> I've been looking on ebay for some CD changers for my A6, but the audi 
> changers are about $250.  I'm a college student, so i'm on a bit of a budget.  I was 
> just wondering if anyone knew where I could get a CD changer for pretty cheap 
> (maybe a bit over $100) without losing too much quality.  Thanks
> Kyle
> 95 A6

For your car, the only CD changer that will work with the CD controls
on the radio is the factory OEM unit that was designed to go with that
radio.  So far no one has been able to adapt an aftermarket changer to
it due to its proprietary interface.

Your only other option is to go with a CD changer that transmits
to the radio via an FM frequency, and has a separate remote control
for its functions.  The sound quality won't be as good as a direct
connection, but there is not much you could do about that.

If you do end up wanting to get the OEM changer, be sure to get
the correct one.  Some 1995s have the Gamma CC radio whereas the later
ones have the Delta CC.  The matching OEM changer is not the same
for the two.  If you use the wrong one it won't work.  For the Gamma CC,
only the Bose version has CD changer control capability (look for a
"Mode" button).

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