Ultrawhite Headlights

santoli9 at cox.net santoli9 at cox.net
Sun Jun 6 09:57:28 EDT 2004

>  If you do know of any bulbs such 
> as Sylvania or otherwise, please let me know.  

Oh yeah. To actually answer your question, read this excerpt from DS:
"For those who want the best possible performance from their headlamps and are more concerned with their ability to see rather than the appearance of their headlamps, the major bulb companies offer optimized bulbs WITHOUT the light-stealing blue coloration. Sylvania Xtravision (in the pink-and-black package), Osram Super and SilverStar(outside North America only!); Philips High Visibility (North America), Premium and Vision Plus (outside North America); Narva RangePower are the ones to look for."

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