Wheel Bearing

Brendan Walsh bkwalsh4201 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 9 17:19:12 EDT 2004

I get a sound that sounds like a tin can with rocks inside, tumblng as
I drive. I thought at first that it might be my suspension or a
control arm issue, but I noticed that it is constant even on a flat
surface. It is kinda hard to hear, I only hear it when there is
something for the sound echo off of (when crossing a bridge with a
concrete barrier, etc).

53K Seems a bit early for the catalytic converter to be going, but i would 
check it any way get under there and whack it firmly(no bambino swings) with 
a soft rubber mallet or give it a really good shake by hand. as the element 
breaks down it can cause the a tin can rattling sound, aside from that I'd 
look for the usual suspects, loose heatshields, plastic bits etc...


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