Total $@!#head Administration (on Topic)

Huw Powell audi at
Wed Jun 16 03:28:31 EDT 2004

Emre Washburn wrote:

>> Go to hell, Emre, if my country is wrong, they are WRONG.
> Thank you for insulting me for expressing my point on a flamboyantly 
> political, non-Audi related post on an Audi list.

I agree, this has no place on this list...

> And by the way, may I congratulate you on how mature the retort was.
> Did you grow up under the shadow of the Twin Towers?

I grew up under the shadow of a *real* threat... nuclear armageddon.  A
real country with real nuclear missles pointed at us.  I had to make a
decision, as many of us faced, which was, WHAT will you do when you know
you have seven hours to live?

> Do you have all the information our government has?

No, because they will not release it.

> They way I look at it is the people who crashed jets into buildings 
> who took our freedoms away.

They took nothing away.  MY freedom is MY freedom.  If the government
thinks taking those freedoms away to protect me is a good thing, then...
they are wrong.

> It's a new world, so don't use quotes from Ben Franklin when he could
>  have NEVER envisioned he type of danger we face in this modern 
> society.

I used no quotes from anybody.

> The reason i did not respond just to those who have seemed to be 
> interested in this mail is because Huw, from behind a computer
> screen, and through his anonymous e-mail address has told me to "go
> to hell" for expressing my view. I won't stoop to his level, and
> return his insult.
> </rant>

Rant respected.  And anonymous?  Not quite.  My email address is a
sub-address of the domain through which I make my living.  I am not 
afraid to take a stand.  True, "go to hell" is insulting, and for that I 
  am penitent.  "my country right or wrong" is also Wrong.  For that, I 
am not apologetic.  Right is what you stand for, Wrong, is what you seek 
to dispell.

Please, my apologies to all of you who suffer this non-Audi drivel in 
the morning at work... this is NOT the place to conduct this sort of debate.

And, Emre, I realize we have a difference of opinion, unearthed by 
Brett's inappropriate post.  If we need to contuniue this discussion, 
let us do it in "private."  I will, out of judicious desire for pleasant 
conduct, let you have the last word in this forum.  Any further reply I 
will not suffer the list to endure.  That's not why we subscribe.

Huw Powell

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