Total $@!#head Administration
Drew, Boyd
boyd.drew at
Wed Jun 16 10:02:50 EDT 2004
wtf happened to "take this off-list" ?
-----Original Message-----
From: at
[ at] On
Behalf Of David
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:01 AM
To: David; Emre Washburn
Cc: quattro at
Subject: Re: Re: Total $@!#head Administration
Allow me a sec or explain more on what I meant. I was agreeing that the
loss of lives was more important than a radio, but not with the
sentiment that giving up my rights for the sake of security is
acceptable. I will NOT give up any rights for this so-called safety.
The gov't can have my rights after they pull my gun from my cold dead
hand. :)
87.5 CGT
SE Virginia
From: David <duandcc_forums at>
Date: 2004/06/16 Wed AM 09:51:45 EDT
To: Emre Washburn <yumyjager at>,
Brett Dikeman <brett at>
CC: quattro at
Subject: Re: Re: Total $@!#head Administration
Here! Here! Very well put.
87 CGT
SE Virginia
From: Emre Washburn <yumyjager at>
Date: 2004/06/16 Wed AM 12:05:47 EDT
To: Brett Dikeman <brett at>
CC: quattro at
Subject: Re: Total $@!#head Administration
I'd much rather have the NEQ be down one freaking radio then any
American be down one brother,sister,mother,father, etc.
If you don't like it, move.
92 //S4
90 Cq
Patriotic as heck.
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 23:44:11 -0400, Brett Dikeman <brett at>
> So, the NEQ was down a radio at the last event- the president had it
> in his carry-on luggage and the TSA confiscated it. Naturally, as a
> glasses-wearing-white-haired-grandfather-from-vermont-white-guy type,
> he's a real dangerous type. He still hasn't been able to get the
> ($160+) radio back- it's probably long since been auctioned off at
> that TSA facility down in Georgia, taken home by someone, or simply
> lost.
> Mind you- it's not even capable of receiving aviation, business, or
> ham frequencies- it's FRS(ie Talkabout)/GMRS(General Mobile Radio
> Service) only...both of which aren't even legally useable by the
> government or businesses. Why wasn't he allowed to simply check it as
> luggage, after an explosives-swab-check, if they were so worried?
> This is, to me, the straw that broke the camel's back. The level of
> paranoia in this country is absurd; all the policy/security nazis are
> coming out of the woodwork and inventing the most non-sensical rules
> you've ever seen, and bit by bit some sheep a TV crew dredges up
> happily talks about how it's ok, because it makes him/her feel a
> little bit safer in these "dangerous times". I remember reading about
> a pregnant mother who was forced to drink her own bottled breast milk
> to "prove" it wasn't a biological agent to some goddamn TSA pinhead.
> Every day the US is reminding me of tales of 'old soviet russia' more
> and more. No travel without papers (if Tommy Ridge gets his way, you
> won't even be able to get on the goddamn SUBWAY without an ID check
> AND baggage screening! WTF?!?). Can't photograph certain things
> (certain things including landmarks, bridges, and most recently,
> subway systems). Secret blacklists and watchlists. Undiscloseable
> searches of library and bookstore records. Anyone, US citizen or not,
> subject to arrest and indefinite detention without any of the
> protection granted to us by the constitution. The list goes on and
> on.
> I'm one of the editors of the Gripster(the chapter's newsletter) and I
> think I just hit upon a subject for a nice column. How The Club Lost
> a Radio To Your Government.
> Of course, then the NE chapter just might end up on a terrorist
> organization list, right? Hell, maybe I'll end up on one for this
> post, wouldn't that be a gas.
> Siiiigh. I wonder how much it would cost to move to the Isle of
> B
> --
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety
> deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
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