mysterious front end rattle on '03 A4 AVANT

Sean Ford audi_99_a6q at
Wed Jun 16 13:37:17 EDT 2004

check the belly pan under the engine, it's possible that the bolts have
loosened or fallen out.

--- Jim McIntyre <JMcIntyre at> wrote:
>   A rattle has been developing over the last few months, and it seems to be
> getting worse.  When I hit a bump with a front wheel,
>   I hear a high-pitched rattle (like loose washers on a bolt, or light
> chains) that seems to be coming from the front end. I can only
>   hear it with the windows open, and it seems that the driver's side is much
> more pronounced than the passenger side; but there
>   do seem to be 2 distinct rattles, one from each side.  Only 12K on the
> car, what could have come loose already??!!!  Thanks in
>   advance for any light you can shed on a vexing problem. 

Sean Ford
1999 A6 2.8q tip | 1992 100CS non-q 5-spd

Winter wheels and tires for sale:
5x112, 196/65HR/15, 6.5x15

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