Total $@!#head Administration

Robert Myers robert at
Wed Jun 16 14:16:07 EDT 2004

Be assured, the only thing that will prevent me from voting in November is 
if I'm dead by then.  Hmmmm...  Come to think of it, even that might not 
make a difference in some precincts. :-)

At 11:09 AM 6/16/2004 -0700, tihol tiholov wrote:

><long rant snipped>
>Cheaper than moving away might be to visit an election site in November
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The biggest WMD?  Dick Cheney's pacemaker.

  Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA  WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen   ICQ 22170244

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