stolen audi

Rocky Mullin caliban at
Wed Jun 16 19:18:08 EDT 2004

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>Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 16:04:47 -0700 (PDT)
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>Subject: off-topic Fwd: stolen car - please look
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>From a friend who most of you know ... he did the Yantra last year at BMan
>Begin forwarded message:
>From: Christopher Schardt <christopher at>
>Date: Wed Jun 16, 2004  3:21:50  PM US/Pacific
>Subject: BLACKROCK99 stolen car - please look
>On the morning of 6/15, my car was stolen from the OSH (Orchard Supply
>Hardware) parking lot on Ashby in Berkeley.  In it was a bag containing
>my camera, my laptop, and all of the CAD work I've done for Betty's and
>my 2004 Burning Man art piece.
>Fortunately (perhaps) it has a very distinctive appearance:  It is a 1998
>Audi A4 4-door sedan, a shiny blue color, license plate #3XHP936.  There
>are DPW stickers on each of the front doors.  Here's a photo:
>(It doesn't have the roof rack or art piece on it at the moment.)
>Though the vehicle was stolen in the east bay, the FasTrak system
>detected my transponder (which may not be in my car but likely is)
>crossing the Bay Bridge at 11:33AM today into San Francisco.  If you see
>my car driving by, please call 911 and see if you can get the police to
>pull it over.  It has been reported stolen.  You can also call me at
>I imagine I won't see my car again without a lot of damage, but maybe
>there's a chance for some of my things, perhaps chucked in the bushes
>somewhere.  In the car were two, small, bright yellow bags with black
>shoulder straps.  One is the shoulder bag that contains my laptop.  It
>has a red design on it that looks like some strange creature looking
>through a telescope.  If you see anything that looks like these bags,
>please call me.
>My laptop will likely be sold.  If happen to come across an aluminum 1MHz
>Powerbook G4 with 2" diameter sticker of the earth on the lid, please see
>if you can contact me.  The data is more important to me than anything
>else I've lost.  I'm willing to pay a $500 reward for it.
>I suppose that someone might peel my earth sticker off.  The easiest way
>to identify my powerbook software-wise would be these uncommon
>applications I have in my dock, which I put on the right side of the
>     Claris Emailer
>     VectorWorks 10.2
>     VectorWorks 8.5.2
>     Photoshop 6.0
>     iView 1.5
>Thank you very much for your help,
>Christopher Schardt

  Rocky Mullin   |
  ...5 right opens long into 6 left plus tightens over crest 50..

  1 out of every 140 Americans is in prison.

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