City Lights on E-code headlights

Ti Kan ti at
Mon Jun 21 16:08:44 EDT 2004

David writes:
> I have 1984.5-1987 Audi 80 headlights (H4s) on my CGT. I never wired
> up my city lights. I was thinking of doing so before the long distance
> trip this Friday. I was going to use simple wire taps to tap into the
> existing parking light wires. Does this sound like a good idea? I'd just
> tap the parking lights wire for wire (IE + to +_, - to - and ground to
> ground)...sound right? Then comes the big question...can the stock
> wiring take it? Or am I risking frying/melting something? Thoughts?

Yes, you can just tap it to the parking light circuit.  Provided
you use only 5W (or less) bulbs for the city lights, there should be
no problems.  If you use wire taps, wrap them up to keep out moisture,
so it doesn't become a source of electrical contact problems in the future.

 R 1 3 5  Ti Kan
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