V8 part out CALIPPER 1991

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Mon Jun 21 22:36:26 EDT 2004

Denis wrote:

>     Sorry it s Calipper not galipper ;-)
>     How to seperate the two parts galipper 1991 ?


I haven't done a caliper (with on 'p'), but some
people on the Austin-Healey list, with calipers
approaching 50 years old, have separated the halves
(against "factory" recommendation; but then, what
factory?) and rebuilt them.  On those calipers,
there is a large 0-ring, square in section, that
is available from a single vendor. They've had no
problem with leaks from the new O-ring in the old
(cleaned) caliper. That said, I have no idea what
you'll find inside the Audi (Girling?) caliper.

Bon chance,

'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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