sunroof falling to bits

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed Jun 23 07:42:13 EDT 2004

3M used to make an adhesive for vinyl top material.  I once used it to glue
a vinyl top onto an oak cab extension I'd made for my Jeep pickup.  It
lasted for years.  It was a contact-type adhesive applied similarily to
Brett's description for Super 77.

At 12:34 AM 6/23/2004 -0400, Brett Dikeman wrote:

>If it's a broad area, 3M makes a super tacky adhesive called Super 
>77.  You spray it on both sides, allow it to set, then press them 
>together.  I believe many photo and arts/crafts stores carry it.  You 
>might be able to find a small can...
>The dual-sided approach yields the highest strength.  Make sure you 
>follow the directions, and that the surfaces are clean of everything, 
>including the old adhesive.

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