New England Drags - Audi Night?

Nate Stuart newt at
Thu Jun 24 12:54:03 EDT 2004

Nice, I'll be there, geared way too low for the drags, but I'll run the v8
90q regardless :-D If all else fails it'll at least sound good churning
down the 1/4mile.... I hope ;)

Oh, and yeah I'd swap the wheels for whatever you gots thats lighter, the
less rational mass the better. Not like we have to worry about lack of

'89 90v8q

Brett Dikeman said:
> At 9:06 AM -0400 6/24/04, Marc Swanson wrote:
>>Correct, it seems that a bunch of Audi owners are congregating to New
>>England Dragway this Friday.  I'm planning on attending the
>>festivities.  My 4ktq isn't ready yet but it will be fun to run my stock
>>(as far as the engine is concerned) S6 to establish a baseline before
>>the major mods I have planned for next month.
> I'll be there.  Managed to beat almost exactly half the field a few
> years ago, be fun to see how the car does now that it doesn't have
> assorted boost leaks and I'll be smart enough to empty out the ton of
> garbage I had in it.
> Should I put the snows back on to cut 40-50lb? :-)
> B
> --
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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