1993 Audi 90CS - Timing belt

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Thu Jun 24 15:27:44 EDT 2004

films at crazyralph.com writes:
> I was wondering if the 93 90CS has an interference or non-interference
> engine=2E  Also, how often should the timing belt be replaced?  I checked
> with a local foreign car garage about replacing my timing belt and they
> quoted me $300-500, saying if they replaced that they should replace other=
> belts and do other work too=2E  Are they correct about this?

That's the 12V V6 engine, and yes, it's interference.
I recommend 60K mile timing belt replacement intervals.  I believe
Audi's recommended interval is 90K, but I think that's stretching your
luck a bit.

Water pump, and other belts, are some easy "while you're in there"
items to replace.  It's relatively cheap insurance.

 R 1 3 5  Ti Kan
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