Has front hub bolt been superceded with new design?

tihol tiholov tihol.tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Mon Jun 28 17:24:26 EDT 2004

>I went to pick up the new bolts for the front hubs. ...
The new bolts are a different design. The head is an Allen female (17 mm?), 

For a Typ 89 it was 14 mm, $28 CAN from Snap-on

>the washer is built into the head . . . head and washer is all one piece.  The threads go right up to the head.
The old bolt looks like a stretch bolt. 

Mine was indeed a stretch bolt.

>The 1/4" washer is built into the head but freely rotates. The threaded section is only 1". The rest of the bolt is smaller in diameter (necked).  

Same here.

>Does anyone know if the old bolt has been superceded with this new design?

Seems so.  And it was 15 bux CAN each.

> ... I think I'll re-use the old bolt. ...
Any problems with reusing the old bolt?

Mine wouldn't torque to spec - 148 ft/lb or so.  It broke, didn't know it was stretch bolt.  Thankfully it was easy to pull back the remnant.  Needless to say I won't be reusing this in the future.


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