V8 flywheel for 700$ :-(

ScottyCBoy at aol.com ScottyCBoy at aol.com
Wed Mar 3 16:50:03 EST 2004

The only years the 3.6 was used int he use was 90 and 91. There were less than 100 standard transmission cars made for the us. 

I have one for 6500.00 of course the car comes with it.


In a message dated 3/3/2004 4:20:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, sparkplugvw at hotmail.com writes:

> Well guys, impossible to find used flywheel.
> A new one is only ,mmm only,, 700$ cnd.
> Maybe in this planet someone use the same flywheel on 
> another cars !!
> Maybe GM ? ;-)
> witch years fit to the 1990-91 3.6 engine ?
> Denis J

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