Type 44 increased -ve camber recommendations?

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Thu Mar 4 01:37:54 EST 2004

To avoid negative aspects of big camber since you 
want a street car, you should stay within max. 
permissible camber, paying more attention to toe in 
angle, since more camber is going to improve turn 
in, which is going to be quickened anyway with 
harder and shorter springs, while the rear toe can 
be happily zero and stay there, toe at the front 
would provide you with constant steering input of 
your preference. You should start with zero toe 
front and use the car for few days, then change to - 
15 min toe and try again. This adjustment you can do 
yourself, since 90 deg. turn, corresponds to 15 min. 
toe (1 deg.= 1 turn). Just establish at the shop 
which way to turn for negative toe. (One of my 
previous Urq on 225/50x15x8 was superb with zero 
toe, while the other two didn't like it at all; both 
ended up on 15 min toe in.) After you establish your 
toe preference, then try to increase camber for 30 
min. more (must re-toe) and see if you like the 
behaviour. Tire pressure plays a big part, and 
should be kept on max. permissible pressure 
throughout the testing period, and only after 
establishing your overall preference, you start 
playing with tire pressures.

HTH, regards,


Timmmy wrote:

> Hi All,
> My 5KTQS project is currently in Chris's shop at Force 5 having lowered
> springs and bilestiens fitted (I am being lazy! after 4 months working on
> its engine, I couldnt face crawling underneath her again)
> Here's the question - while the suspension is being replaced, and as it is
> being fully aligned anyway, I want to have Chris increase the -ve camber
> front and rear.
> I will be running lower springs with 17x7.5 ET45 rims with 225x45x17 tyres
> this summer, and will be doing some autocrossing, hence the desire to
> change the camber.
> I have heard increasing the cmaber on the rear may be required for the
> larger tyre sizes anyway. (despite the fact I intend to box the arches
> when it warms up a little here in NH.
> Does anyone on the list have any recommendations for how much to increase
> the amount by? How much is it possible to increase it by from standard?
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated as Chris has the thing in his shop
> and I need to tell him how much to change it by, so he an get it done in
> time for me to squeeze in some more ice racing before th lakes thaw out.
> Thanks
> Timmmy (Haydn)
> http://thepointoforgasm.com/gallery/Audi-5KTQS?&page=14
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