OT: Re: screen names

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Sat Mar 6 06:13:12 EST 2004

	both are rather vitriolic.  i'd personally rather see kenneth lay
and any of a hundred others busting rocks behind chain link than martha.
they still owe california $9b.  those little $50k insider trading tips were
and still are totally common, it happens every day.  there's more to this
than meets the eye.

At 11:56 PM -0500 3/5/04, DieMarthaDie at aol.com wrote:
>ok, I guess now I have to change it to "jailmarthajail"  ;)
>90V8... hopefully no longer full throttle tomorrow...
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  Rocky Mullin              |
  http://www.e-sheep.com/   |

  "The institution of heterosexual marriage will be undamaged, as it
   is now undamaged in Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands. Americans
   will learn to accept what they may not favor."

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