Getting New Key Made
mikemk40 at
Sat Mar 6 08:24:02 EST 2004
the machine to make a key from a number is pretty
idiot proof (set the number, squeeze the trigger) so i
would post the info to the dealer and get him to post
the key back
--- Dan Cordon <cord4530 at> wrote: > I wish
I could be more help with Scotts key issue,
> but I don't have much
> to offer. Other than...for both a Toyota Tacoma, and
> Honda Civic we've
> had I have been able to go to the dealer and give
> them my VIN and have
> them cut me a new key (not making a copy of the warn
> out key). The
> Toyota dealer made me provide proof of ownership
> (which could have been
> easily faked I imagine), while the Honda dealer
> didn't ask for anything
> (but knew me pretty well). Could be the thief wrote
> down your VIN one
> day, made some fake paperwork, then had Audi make a
> new key for it?
> Seems like there would be an electronic record of
> this somewhere.
> But on to my question. In an attempt to reduce the #
> of keys on my ring,
> I've keyed my 91 and 87 Type $$'s the same (made the
> 87's mismatched
> cylinders match the 91). But the key for the 91 is
> getting pretty warn out.
> Is there a way to have a new key made for the 91
> audi? I have the VIN#,
> but I also have the key code (7 digits) for the lock
> itself. We don't
> have a local shop that's able to cut me anything
> except a copy, and my
> audi dealer (aside from having a so-so reputation)
> is about 2 hours away.
> Any insights/information would be appreciated.
> --
> Dan Cordon
> Mechanical Engineer - Engine Research Facility
> University of Idaho
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