MA residents: "stealth" cruisers, passing-lane enforcement

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sat Mar 6 12:20:31 EST 2004

Very interesting tidbit:
"Officers will issue citations for what he said is one of the 
greatest causes of road rage: Motorists who drive in the passing lane 
without passing anyone."

(translation: officers will actually start enforcing -all- the 
traffic laws, not just the speeding laws).  Wonder when they'll start 
enforcing the right-side-passing-at-intersections(which makes 
left-turns from a side street extremely dangerous) law.

However, don't get too happy.  There are two bills before the House 
to make aggressive driving illegal.  One is rather open-ended in 
interpretation and carries a stiff penalty.  Cut someone off?  Lose 
your license for 1-5 years, possibly go to jail, and pay between $500 
and $1200.  The license suspension clause is up to five times more 
severe than a convicted drunk driving offense(and you have to have 
-3- drunk driving convictions to have your license revoked for the 
same as the maximum penalty under this proposed law.  Two drunk 
driving offenses earns you "only" a two year suspension), with 
similar fines as a first-time drunk driver.  It is absurd.

The second, more reasonable measure, is a "3+ violations in 5 miles" 
law, which fits more closely with how the rest of our legal system is 
structured(escalation based on conditions/severity of the crime). 
There is a fine between $250 and $500; second offense requires 
attendance at a safe-driving program, etc.

It's pretty obvious which is the better thought-out legislation. 
Read the Globe article for more info, and contact your local house 
representative and let 'em know how you feel:


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