[urq] Bad turbo not so bad - head gasket/timing
Brandon Rogers
brogers at terrix.com
Tue Mar 9 15:44:36 EST 2004
you'll be at TDC when there is a sideways "0" in the window of the
bellhousing--gotta look closely. It should be lined up to the bottom of the
window. Another solution to the filter housing/oil line deal if you go to
K24 is to get oil lines from a 1985 5kt. 1985 only, IIRC. They bolt right
up to stock 2 filter boss and water cooled turbo. I got used ones from
Dad's in CA a couple years back. Personally I think the K24 is a great turbo
for the urq - I like the reduced lag of a K24 that 5300 elev encourages on
the K26. Here in Denver ISTR getting good boost around 2300 +/- with a K24
but not til about 3300 rpm with K26. YMMV. Pretty weird about the
turbo-reminds me of something I've seen-- Forgive me if I've told this story
before but it just bugs me....Shortened version: I have a K24 newly rebuilt
(~3000 mi) that worked perfect at start up - produced good boost, no
abnormal noises. Once everything warmed up it would start to make a howling
sound and produce no boost. The impeller spins smooth as butter, virtually
no end to end play. No visible evidence of any blades hitting the housing.
Weird. Clearly something is going on internally.. Good luck with your
'84 ur
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Pajak" <Martin at quattro.ca>
To: <JagerBond at aol.com>
Cc: <urq at audifans.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] Bad turbo not so bad - head gasket/timing
> Mike,
> >reached up and was able to turn the turbo as easily as it was brand new
> >very little end shaft play??? Is it possible that something obstructed
> >turbo from spinning, and is now free?
> BTDT on my '85... the turbo had stopped spinning, don't know if it was due
to some piece of carbon from the chanber or other junk due to head removal,
however there was a definite restriction... this was during the German
trip... however after 20 min drive it freed up and started to work again, it
worked perfectly untill while later when it blew out an oil seal on the
exhaust side due to exhaust restriction....
> > I
> >still have to pull the head and fix the head gasket, whats the deal with
> >timing? can I slip the old belt off and back on and just replace the head
> >gasket?
> If you turn the motor to TDC pulling the belt off without loosening the
water pump is possible, BTDT and works quite well, as long as you have
everything aligned and the new head gasket is not way different from the old
> > Is the K24 water cooled upgrade worth while? What will I need to make
> >the upgade?
> Water lines, oil lines with oil filter housing, turbo. I think that
covers it. Oh yeah, your oil cooler won't connect to the new single filter
housing, custom connector is needed.
> > I know that on my 83 there was a plug on the side of the block
> >that allowed for a coolant hook up, how does that press in or connect?
> Frost plug?? the water hose clamps onto it.
> Martin Pajak
> www.quattro.ca
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