seeking typ 89 styling parts

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Thu Mar 11 07:31:44 EST 2004

Hi guys... going all out....
I stumbled across a german company (not reiger) that produced several
options for bumpers on the typ89, one was an rs2 clone, any ideas? I cant
seem to find it in my favourites
Anyway, if everyone could email me any websites/companies that do
aftermarket body parts for the typ 89 please, specifically bumpers and
Oh, also does anyone know what to put in ebay to find bumpers in german? I
tried using babelfish, and I ended up searching for shocks!!!

Best Regards,

Alan Pritchard,
Mechanical design engineer,
Network administrator.

Seaeye Marine LTD.
+44 (0)1329 289000

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