K&N filters bad? - Correction

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Thu Mar 11 13:40:24 EST 2004

The correct application for this filter is a 88-91 PRELUDE 4 CYL 2.0L FI.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] De
la part de Louis-Alain Richard
Envoyé : 11 mars 2004 13:28
À : 'Jim Green'; 'Alan Pritchard'; quattro at audifans.com
Objet : RE : K&N filters bad?

>I'm running a K&N with the extra foam around the
>outside for added protection.  I'd love to know of a
>good cone filter that provides good protection as well.
>Jim Green

I have spent some time searching for such a filter many years ago. I found
one unit you may want to try.
IIRW, the unit I have here is from a mid-80s Nissan Sentra Diesel (yes they
were sold here in Canada), it is a FRAM CA6543 and it fits were a standard
3" cone filter would.

It's a standard cylindrical paper filter with a steel mesh inside and a
steel end cap. The filter mouth is made of plastic.
Overall length: 7 1/2"
Outside diameter: 5 1/8"
Filter media length: 5 3/4"
70 pleats of 3/4"
Filter mouth outside diameter: 3" (would slip into a 3" hose).

Only "drawback": it's olive green in color... Definitely not a "tuner" look.



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