86 4kq ignition switch/clutch over center spring help

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Sat Mar 13 14:08:24 EST 2004

> Hey, trying to RR the ignition switch in my 86 4kq CE.  I cant seem to figure 
> out (sadly) how the wiper/turn signal stalks come off.  I removed the 3 long 
> screws Bentley describes, and all the electrical connections, and yes, the 
> steering wheel.  The stalks just dont seem to want to come off easy.  Any BTDT on 
> this?  After that, getting to the switch "should" be easy, correct?

Yes, it should be.  If you're sure you got all the electrical plugs (I 
think there are about 4 total), and those screws, the stalk switches 
should slide towards you.  Try applying a bit more steady force...?

> Also, gotta change the clutch over center spring.  Looked yesterday, and wow, 
> its tucked way up there.  Any easy way or tips you guys have for changing 
> this out?  Ive got skinny hands, but that doesnt matter, its tucked way up there.

It's been a while since I had my head/hands stuck up under the dash of a 
4k, so bear with me if I'm completely wrong... I don't envy what you are 
trying to do.  When the pedal is at rest, the spring is, I believe, 
under tension, so this is going to be tough.  I *think* that each end of 
the spring loops around a little bushing/pin thing that is held be a 
c-clip of some sort.

Also, why are you replacing it?  Pedal not returning to the top?  That's 
  usually a sign that the clutch slave cylinder (or worse) needs replacing.

Huw Powell



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