tire time

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 17 07:41:43 EST 2004

Sorry, Rocky, the only tires I have experienced on my Audi are the OEM
Michelin Pilots that came with the Sport Package (245-45/17, I believe).
After about 6k miles on them, I am very happy with them.

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8T q MT-6
Central NJ USA
--- Rocky Mullin <caliban at sharon.net> wrote:
> 	wow, no other comments on tires?!  c'mon guys, we all have them
> in common.  usually tires start a long conversation, if not a flame war.
> no wait, that's oil.
> 	i'm seriously looking at falken.  cheap and high performance
> AFAICT.  how about noisy?  anyone?  bueller?
> -- 
>   Rocky Mullin              |
>   http://www.e-sheep.com/   |
>   "The institution of heterosexual marriage will be undamaged, as it
>    is now undamaged in Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands. Americans
>    will learn to accept what they may not favor."
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