Electrical gremlins - 89 100

mike mcclurg rrrrraudi at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 17 09:49:11 EST 2004

--- "Dave C." <conner at cfm.Ohio-State.edu> wrote:
> Problem #1
> When I step on the brake pedal the brake lights come
> on like they are
> supposed to, but the left >front< parking light also
> comes on.  
> This happens with or without the key in the
> ignition, etc.  When I have the
> headlights/parking lights turned on everything
> appears to be normal, but
> when I push on the brake pedal the left front
> parking light becomes
> slightly brighter.  Can anyone suggest a likley
> cause?

Another thing to check is that someone hasn't
installed a 2-filament bulb where a 1-filament bulb
should be or vice-versa.


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