Audi jack A JOKE???
Rocky Mullin
caliban at
Thu Mar 18 15:40:30 EST 2004
the jack that came with my A4 totally rocks.
At 10:00 AM -0700 3/18/04, Ed Kellock wrote:
>I have an extra one of those jacks in my garage. I use it every
>time I need to raise only one corner. Sometimes I even get one out
>of the trunk of whichever car I'm working on so that I can jack the
>front and back on the same side. Never had an issue yet. It does
>require a keen eye for placement to accomodate any slope other
>unevenness, but I think it's a terrificly efficient tool.
>From: SuffolkD at
>Date: 2004/03/18 Thu AM 12:21:04 MST
>To: quattro at, 200q20v at
>Subject: Re: Jacking up all four NOW: Audi jack A JOKE
>Subject: VAG Audi A6 Avant 1999........
>All this talk about jacking up the I got to do
>it today just like Person Q. Public by means of the Audi "gods" tools.
>BOSTON: Pot Hole, sneaky deep chump that sliced the tire at the
>bead.......NEAR INSTANT deflation. SO I pull over to the center
>apron with a Saab and two
>other VAG cars.....(That's five flats/four cars in ten
>minutes....)........and start the jack routine........The Jack:
>Its a JOKE.....its DANGEROUS imho...........its a modified version of the mid
>80's jack for the 4000/ 5000...its got a metal groove catch that pivots
>now....not the plastic groover of the past.
>This one is a shade too narrow for the groove and chips ALL the paint in the
>The car will walk the jack over in "Park" so cinch up the E-brake.
>Get all the bolts off and prepare to FIGHT the rust around the hub centric
>holder and the alloy wheel.
>Nothing you brought will prepare you for this.................These alloys
>were washed, clean and had the center caps on..............
>All bolts out, kick with feet, foot, feet, one then the
>Take out the dough nut spare.....use it like a hammer....spook all the
>passing motorists......... Hold like a discuss and whack the alloy
>dead center or
>risk denting the fender. WHACK whack WHACK...all day long...... lower car on
>jack then raise again whack whack whack...... Lower car on jack, raise
>15 minutes exhausted.......................
>Put car up higher on jack, place auto in Neutral and rotate the tire 180
>WHACK: and it comes off...........
>Gain applause from other AAA waiting VAG owners......
>Help lady with her Jetta and then bolt.
>Moral of the story? Carry penetrating oil, A REAL JACK, clean your wheels,
>lug nuts and hub with anti seize EVERY winter...................
>And realize no matter how much you teach a S.O. to do this...they will
>probably fail.......... So send them out with a cell phone and AAA.
>and if you live in Mass..........e-mail Mass HighWay about every pot hole you
>see at:
> OR
>NY has something similar like 1 800 pot hole.....................
>-Scott by BOSTON: VAG's (MacGuyver) rubber mallet is the mickey Mouse SPARE
>> From: "no1of consequence" <iin10ded at>
>> Subject: Re: Jacking Up All Fours Techique
>> whats a pnuematic axle lift? it sounds heavy. =)
>> you mean a 1" box steel bar that runs L to R across the car at the opposite
>> jack points?
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Rocky Mullin | |
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