Politics on this mailing list (BS) NAC

rob hod rob3 at hod3.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Mar 18 20:16:13 EST 2004

    Hi Kneale,

        Blimey, erm didn't mean to offend !, But that's *exactly* what I'm

        Please chill and re-read what I said, you should find that what I am
suggesting that if someone, anyone, e.g. you, find something, anything,
offensive, then you should be free to say so.

Furthermore I am suggesting that at the point (for example) that you declare
yourself tired with sigs including every car, boat, bicycle, roller-skate
and furry animal past and present owned by the lister, the person who has
upset you ought to consider taking action to stop upsetting you.

Hence my regretful conclusion that Rocky ought to consider changing his sig
line. Not because of the rights and wrongs of the sentiment but So as not to
cause offence. And it's only a 'suggestion to consider changing' after all.
Boy I should have been a politician, ...oh maybe not, I've already lost
Kneale's vote on this...

    Also I should maybe repeat that I'm suggesting this is not a sig-line
issue anyway, it's a general principle by which we self regulate in the most
efficient way.

    So indeed no argument from me about being civil and minding our own
business, just a suggestion about limiting offense to others so that we
don't get into the situation where someone has to pronounce 'no more sigs'

    In other words, F*&k it all, I tried, sort it out yerselves, back to
lurk mode.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kneale Brownson" <knotnook at traverse.com>
To: "rob hod" <rob3 at hod3.fsnet.co.uk>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: Politics on this mailing list (BS) NAC

> At 12:25 AM 3/19/2004 +0000, rob hod wrote:
> >    Argh!, I'm tempted out of lurk mode by politics!
> >
> >    Can I suggest that the key to the matter should be principle of
> >not to offend other people with what you say or do. i.e. common good
> >manners.
>                                        SNip
> >    So I regretfully propose that Rocky may want to consider changing his
> >sig-line.
> So, what if I find it offensive that someone take objection to someone
> else's sig line???
> What if I find all those sig lines with long lists of cars owned
> past AND present), along with motorcycles, tractors, boats and whatever
> else, objectionable?
> You don't have to read the sig lines.  In fact, if you don't like
> sig line, you don't even have to read their postings.
> What we need is to be civil and mind our own business.

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