audi tour in germany

Steve Meyer quattroslm at
Thu Mar 25 02:26:03 EST 2004

 I didn't make it to the actual factory tour. You have
to be signed up by a certain time of day, or something
to that effect. But, the museum was fun, and there is
a bar restaurant that is connected. I sat there and
had a couple of biers while watching young Audi execs
mingle with live music in the background. Too bad I
don't speak German, could have had some fun
conversations. I think I took a bus directly from the
train station to the factory. There isn't a whole lot
else in Inglostadt, so the bus is easy to figure out.
Or take one of the many Audi taxicabs waiting outside
the train station.
 I also didn't make it to the Porsche factory or
musuem. I was just backpacking and didn't do a whole
lot of research so I couldn't find the place.
Stuttgart wasn't bery thrilling and the only hostel
with rooms had a curfew! So, I left after one night.
The Mercedes museum was as cool as Audi's. I don't
recall any info about a factory tour. I know you said
you weren't a big Benz fan, but if anyone else is you
could always visit Karl Benz's hometown. The original
garage he started working is still there. Crap now I
can't remember the name of the town. If you really
need it, I have a friend who lives there and I could
look it up.
  I'd love to see the Dresden museum, I've heard it's
amazing. Also, heard good things about the BMW museum,
but it closes early on Sunday and I was too hung over
from Oktoberfest to get up in time to make it. If you
can make it down to Italy, the Ferrari museum is
great, but difficult to get too. I even saw an Enzo
prototype buzzing down the street, but was too slow
with my camera to get a pic. They saw you can often
hear testing going on at the race track Ferrari uses
right in Maranello. While you're at it you'll probably
be gong through Bologna on the way to Marenello, so
check out the Lamborghini plant. I think Audi has
built a museumt there as well, but not really sure
about that.

Well, I wasted enough of everyone's time reliving my
traveling days. I need to quit my job again and go
back to Europe! Good luck!


--- Rocky Mullin <caliban at> wrote:
> 	is ingolstat the place to go to visit audi in
> deutchland?

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