
Kevin Boykin bkevind at
Thu Mar 25 08:58:36 EST 2004

Ok, all this talk has me stirred up again.  
What the heck is VW doing with this POS passat?!
I really like VAG products.  But I guaruntee that if
I'm in the $80k market I will NOT be considering
anything with a VW emblem on it.  It will be a
Porsche, an AMG Merc, or maybe an RS# Audi.

VW has a stigma, like it or not, and it hasn't
improved with the crappy phaeton.  Who in their right
mind would buy this car?  It's not remarkable in any
way shape or form, except in price.  It may be comfy,
but so is a lincoln-jag for crying out loud.  W12 my
a$$.  What a waste of engineering.  W8?  Pig in a
blanket.  The phaeton's saving grace could/should have
been a nauseatingly powerful powerplant...but they
failed to deliver.  Makes me think of the overpriced
peugot's of the 80's.

VW should lighten up the golf series, and kick the
crap out of the Japanese market instead.  grumble
grumble.  What happened to the GTI anyway?  It's a big
bloated pig now.  You can't even buy a light-weight
minimalist VW anymore!  What the heck?  Even the
cheap-o golf is overweight, undersprung, underpowered,
and overpriced.
The GTI name is tarnished, if not ruined for good.
I guess a jetta is a good way to get into a decent
semi-luxurious german car for less.  
Audi's are nice...sort of.  Quality is really biting
them (gee I just payed $35k for a new car and I need a
flatbed to get me home) (gee my $45k A6 just caught on
fire on the way to grocery store).  The TT is great,
but you might as well buy a Boxter and beat the TT in
every way (except in snow, but who cares about that,
honestly?  Are you going to ice race your TT? Not).
Whew, sorry for the rambling rant.  I'm over it.  I'll
keep driving my Audis happily.  Only because I'm an
Audi enthusiast, not because of common consumer sense.

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