V-A-G "future"

Jim Haseltine jim_haseltine at ntlworld.com
Thu Mar 25 17:52:06 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William Magliocco" <magliocc at rocketmail.com>
> In Europe, V-A-G has FOUR mass market brands to sell.
> They don't bring the Skoda and the SEAT brands to
> North America.  It is my understanding that these
> latter brands represent the "Chevy" and
> "Pontiac/Buick" parts of the V-A-G line these days.

> Anyone in Euroland care to give us unwashed
> statesiders a quick comparision to the brands, models
> and pricing?

Asked around some of my non-enthusiast friends and got this rough guide to
VAG products in the eyes of the general public.

Highish up the price list. Class.

Solid, reliable cars. Some models priced a bit high. Sensible.

Niche market. Thought they were Spanish Fiats. Owned by people who want to
be different.

Wry smiles and some laughs. Cheap. Drivers are usually miserly or eccentric
or have no sense of embarassment or all three.

Skoda recognise their reputation and play on it, running a series of
amusingly self-depreciating tv ads.


Jim Haseltine

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