88 90 Quattro fluctuating idle

David duandcc_forums at cox.net
Fri Mar 26 13:10:13 EST 2004

Sounds like a gummed up ISV. If if only happens when warm, that means the engine should be in a closed loop with the ECU & ISV controlling idle. My CGT has the same engine as your car, and I've encountered a boucing idle when warm before. I've fixed with with a thorough cleaning of the ISV. That said, it could also be a vacuum leak...

87.5 CGT
SE Virginia
From: buck rogers <tevalerejubeo at yahoo.com>
Date: 2004/03/26 Fri PM 12:45:09 EST
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: 88 90 Quattro fluctuating idle

The Idle wont stay steady after it warms up, unsure what the problem could be because most my other audi's only fluctuate when cold?
84 4k Quattro
88 90 Quattro 

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