Fw: Re: "Boing" - Noise when I Stop!

mlgraham at bmi.net mlgraham at bmi.net
Mon Mar 29 02:06:24 EST 2004

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: mlgraham at bmi.net
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 0:05:40 PDT
Subject: Re: "Boing" - Noise when I Stop!

Hi John!

I checked all of the fastners, and they are all tight.  I check the
spindle, steering, etc., all are tight.

I have had problems with the brakes in the past.  Usually I use a light
touch on the brake pedal and down shift for slowing.   I have been
heavier on the brakes since installing the new axle, and still get the
"boing" noise when I hit the brakes hard.  

Also at a stop with the engine idling, I can hold my foot on the brake
pedal, and the pedal will pulsate, and sink to around 2" off of the
floor.  I am thinking my bomb is bad.  I replace the fluid and hoses last 
fall.  The master cylinder is new within the last two years.  

The pump is suspect, as if the air temp is up around 80, or the car is at 
operating temperature, the brake light will flash when idling at a stop
light, but will go out if I rev the motor up.  I guess I have some more
problems to check out.  

Engine is still a bit rough, so maybe the fuel injection needs tweaking.
Had the Cad converter checked, and the muffler shop swears the engine is
running rich, as the converter was excessively hot.  I checked the
timing, and the cam timing marks line up at idle.

Keep in touch!

On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 21:00:18 -0600 "John McMahon" wrote:

> I'd check all of the fasteners that you worked on during this R&R for 
> proper
> seating and torquing.  Then, you could ...safely... give the left front
> strut a shake to see if you could get it to make any odd noises, or get it
> to move.  Caliper, hub, rotor, strut, hub carrier, half-axle, control arm,
> top bearing, spring, hub nut, ball joint, outer tie-rod end.  Then,
> I'd look
> for a bushing failure or disintegration.  It is likely one (a loose
> fastener) or the other (failed bushing).  Something is causing the left
> front spring to resonate.  I would give this problem immediate attention,
> IMO.
> John McMahon
> 1984 4000S quattro
> 1990 Coupe quattro 20V
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <mlgraham at bmi.net>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 6:37 PM
> Subject: "Boing" - Noise when I Stop!
> >
> > Well,  I put in a rebuilt front drivers side axle in my 86 5000 TQ, and
> > all of my vibration, horse power issues disapeared during my
> initial test
> > drive of about four miles.
> >
> > The next time I jumped into the car to drive it,  It started making
> > "Boing" noise like a large spring letting go every time I come to a
> > complete stop.  Also, the brake flashing triangle is now comming on.
> >
> > Is this normal for a rebuilt front drive shaft? Does the axle need to be
> > aligned in some manor when its reassembled?  For the brake flashing
> > light, could I have knocked the sensor out of alignment?
> >
> > Or could the braking/front suspension be moving which cause the original
> > axle to tear the front boot at the wheel, and this same
> > braking/suspension movement is now its starting to work on the new
> > rebuilt axle, which may cause it to fail?
> >
> > Any assistance would be greatly appreciated before I climb back
> > underneath the car!
> >
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