quattro Digest, Vol 5, Issue 126

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Tue Mar 30 02:23:10 EST 2004

Unfortunately, at least in New York State, the plate number is only good
for spotting the loonie. No civilian reports, no matter how many count
arresting anyone on the road for driving crimes unless actually witnessed
a police officer. Totally bogus.

LL - NY - land of the loonie free. Witness the Bumblebee (Civics with
Coffee Cans)
races every Sunday at midnight on the Interstate out my back window.
Nothing law 
enforcement related happened yet....)

> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 11:53:40 -0800
> From: "tihol tiholov" <tihol.tiholov at sd27.bc.ca>
> Subject: Re: Playing in traffic
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <s0680e44.046 at gwia.sd27.bc.ca>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> >I'm trading my Audi in on a fully armed Apache attack helicopter, 
> and
> I'm going to hunt these morons down and see how well a Honda Civic 
> holds
> up  when you get it in the laser sights and hit the "fire all 
> weapons"
> button.
> In the meantime maybe communicate the license plates to highway 
> patrol.
> TT

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