Next planned mod: new aux. gauges, but need some advice

David duandcc_forums at
Tue Mar 30 08:45:25 EST 2004

OK, I got the specs on the senders for the CyberDyne gauges, sorry it took me so long to get back to the list on this.

Oil Pressure: 5ohm @ 0 PSI, 75ohm @ 65 PSI

Temp:  1000ohm @ Room Temp (74-78*F), 100ohm @ 175-179*F, & 50ohm @ 212*F

Can anybody confirm whether the stock senders use these same ohm ranges? I'd love it if this were as simple as swapping th gauges without having to fool with the senders...thoughts?

87.5 CGT
SE Virginia

From: Eric Sanborn <eric_audi.ql at>
Date: 2004/03/05 Fri AM 07:04:46 EST
To: audi at
CC: David <duandcc_forums at>,   quattro at
Subject: Re: Next planned mod: new aux. gauges, but need some advice

Huw Powell wrote:

>>   Then leave the
>> stock oil temp sensor where it is and just don't use it. Thoughts on
>> this idea?
> To read oil temps you want the sender to be in a place that oil flows 
> past.  On a T outside the block like that, all you'll get is something 
> in between the block temp and the underhood air temp.
> I suppose that is why Audi put it right in the oil pump.

Is there a possiblity that the stock oil temp sensor would drive an 
aftermarket guage?  After all a lot of the guages are made by VDO, maybe 
their aftermarket stuff migh work.

BTW I have an engine that does not have an oil temp guage on it.  It 
just has a funky bolt (technical term) in the sensors place.

Eric Sanborn
'85 4ktq


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