traffic woes and laws
Kevin Boykin
bkevind at
Tue Mar 30 10:09:08 EST 2004
That is/would be true for the built in GPS devices
already installed in modern cars. My idea goes
forward with the assumption that this is an actively
employed device at the time of need - like a bullet
only safer. Much safer than tapping the rear of the
car to cause it to spin out of control and into
someone's house. Or chasing the perp and making him
run break-neck speeds through intersections and
imposing their will and stupidity on innocents.
One time use kind of device...
I'd be nervous to drive a GPS or ON-STAR equipped
device, because they CAN track your movement.
Likewise modern ECU's log information about your
Remember the story of the rental car company assessing
upwards of $400 in fines to a renter based on
speeding? The rent-er took them to court and won
since the rental agency had no authority to assess
speeding fines.
--- Robert Myers <robert at> wrote:
> And if installed what would you want to wager that
> the prime use will be to
> remotely read speeds and to identify evil miscreants
> who exceed an
> arbitrary limit so that our wonderful REOs can use
> that information for the
> purpose of generating more revenue?
> ---Snip---
> At 06:29 AM 3/30/2004 -0800, Kevin Boykin wrote:
> >I think this idea would actually be a very good one
> >for law enforcement so that they don't have to
> engage
> >in dangerous car chases. Arguable any perp will
> run
> >harder when being chased. Don't chase him, he
> won't
> >run. Embed a tracking device on his car and meet
> him
> >at his destination. Or employ the electromagnetic
> >pulse idea and shut him down (dangers there -
> >especially at speed)
> ____
> Lies - the real Weapons of Mass Destruction!
> Bob
> *****
> Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
> Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag
> '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ
> 22170244
> *****
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