Steering rack centering after replacement?

Ameer Antar antar at
Wed Mar 31 15:48:14 EST 2004

For those of you who have changed the steering rack on your type-44, I was wondering how do you align the position of the rack in relation to the steering wheel? Basically, I've replaced everything in the steering system, including rack and tie-rods. The Bentley shows there's a special tool that fits into one hole on the body and another hole on the steering rack center bracket. Anyone see or use this tool? It would be great to have the length... I tried centering the rack by eyeballing the position relative the tranny and then I will just center the steering wheel and clamp down the lower steering column, but I'm not sure if this will work. I'm assuming there should be an equal amount of turns of the steering wheel in each direction from the center position, right? Any BTDT on steering rack replacement would be much appreciated!


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