Stupid alignment tricks

Al Powell apowell at
Wed Mar 31 20:28:18 EST 2004

Ameer wrote:
" do you align the position of the rack in relation to the steering

Foti answered:
Basically when I replaced mine I marked the tie rods before I took them off
and then put them back as close to the same position as possible. Then I
compared to the steering wheel location visually and adjusted accordingly.
I followed with an alignment by measuring the distance between a chalked
center point of the tire on the front, rotated to the back and re-measured,
adjusting the tie rods until the distances were equal. When I was satisfied
I tightened everything down and took it to a shop for a proper alignment.
Hope this helps.

And I sez:

When I replaced the rack in my 1983 280ZX, I made sure the wheel was
centered when I connected it to the rack. When removing the old rack, I
counted how far the tie rod ends were screwed on - by the specific thread
count. I installed the new rack, installed tie rods and screwed them on till
exactly the same number of threads showed, and I've been driving it for 18
months without a shop alignment. No pull, no wander, no tire wear!

I really should take it in for an alignment just to see how close it is....

Al Powell
apowell at
1958 Fiat 1200 Transformabile Spyder
1983 Datsun 280ZX Turbo
1993 Audi 90Q
1997 Chebby Blazer
1999 Chebby Blazer

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