We've been right all along!
joel nevin
joelnevin at yahoo.com
Mon May 3 16:03:27 EDT 2004
What's this 0.2, 0.4 stuff?
Well she really wasn't into it, so it's a .5
I just sat there so it's a .2, :D
Was this the Bill Clinton version of the survey?
--- Mike Arman <armanmik at earthlink.net> wrote:
> News article.
> We get almost all of the advantages with none of the
> bad image.
> I always knew there were good reasons to drive an
> Audi.
> >Winning sex drive
> >May 3, 2004
> >
> >BMW drivers have more sex than any other car owners
> and are much more
> >active than Porsche drivers, a car magazine has
> found.
> >
> >Success ... owning a BMW is the key to winning with
> the ladies.
> >The German magazine Men's Car found male BMW
> drivers said they had sex on
> >average 2.2 times a week while Porsche drivers had
> sex 1.4 times a week.
> >
> >Following BMW drivers were Audi (2.1), Volkswagen
> (1.9), Ford (1.7) and
> >Mercedes (1.6). Drivers of non-German cars were
> also behind BMW: Italian
> >cars (2), French (1.9), Japanese (1.8), Swedish
> (1.6) and Korean cars (1.5).
> >
> >Among women, French car drivers were top with 2.1,
> followed by Audi (2),
> >Italian (2), and BMW (1.9), with Porsche again at
> the bottom at 1.2.
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman
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