Looking for matching headunit

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Tue May 4 23:14:53 EDT 2004

In my old 87 4000Q I had a Kenwood with a credit card remote tape and CD 
changer which I kept in the glovebox.
It had two colors by a switch green and Audi red...........  ~  $200, see if 
their new heads match your criteria
HTH - Scott by BOSTON

> From: Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC
> - Black plastic/red lighting that at least somewhat matches the rest of the
> dash. Some of the new stereos have selectable lighting, just not sure which
> brands.   Tony Hoffman
> P.S. Older Alpines are green, JVC is molstly green, and Panasonics are blue.

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