200TQ brake lock

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu May 6 15:32:07 EDT 2004

You need a new master cylinder.

At 03:04 PM 5/6/2004 -0400, Chris M wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm new to this list but I have a serious dillemma regarding my 89' 200TQ. I 
>have been been encountering some serious brake lock up while driving. More 
>noticeably when stop and go traffic becomes steady. My brake pedal gets 
>completely stiff and the car will not go over 20mph. I noticed that my front 
>calipers and rotors are now cinged but the rears seem to be fine. What will 
>this mean?? Has anyone encountered thius situation??. Please help me!!.
>Thanks, J
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