200TQ brake lock

tom winter tom at freeskier.com
Thu May 6 15:35:27 EDT 2004

J wrote: My brake pedal gets completely stiff

Bernard replied: Bad brake master cylinder. Replace it ASAP.

I'm thinking that my '89 100q sedan might have the same problem. It was
parked for a month or so, and when I just drove it yesterday the brake pedal
felt really stiff and "boardy". I stomped on it and it came back up, not all
the way, though, still 1 cm left. It felt better after it was parked, but
was still really hard and boardy when I started it up again. I'm not driving
it right now, but I will want to soon.

Same problem? Brake Master Cylinder? If so, any advice to me before I start
tearing the car apart to replace it?

Thanks in advance.


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