Type 44 Cylinder Head Fixed, another question

Brendan Walsh bkwalsh4201 at hotmail.com
Sun May 9 08:24:09 EDT 2004

Now that all but the cosmetics are back in place and the car is running, 
is a loud and relatively steady scrape/squeal coming from the area of the
flywheel.  Note:  this car sat idle without so much as an engine crank for 1 

I had the same thing in my coupe after I got her running, turns out it was 
the clutch frozen to the flywheel. I couldn't even get it in gear at first, 
but after pumping the clutch a bunch it popped free. still makes a little 
noise, but i think it should go away after the car has been driven a bit. 
Try a couple af slow starts easing out the clutch >slowly< it should 
reduce/remove the corrosion on the flywheel.


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