Help! What's the secret ???

frank j. bauer frankbauer at
Mon May 10 21:00:14 EDT 2004

i have also used "big bertha" (my largest pair of slip joint pliers) to jam 
the taper into the hole enough to start the nylok nut.


At 05:44 PM 5/10/2004, Fred Munro wrote:

>You have to seat the tapered shaft to keep it from turning. Use a plastic
>dead blow hammer or equivalent. When the taper is seated, the shaft won't
>turn when you thread on the nut.
>Fred Munro
>'94 S4
>-----Original Message-----
>From: quattro-bounces at
>[mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of Richard Tanimura
>Sent: May 10, 2004 2:28 PM
>To: s-car-list at; quattro at
>Subject: Help! What's the secret ???
>I was working on the front suspension today. The tie
>rod on my car has a ball joint to the strut like a lot
>of other cars.
>QUESTION: What is the secret to screwing a nut onto a
>ball joint that works; meaning it swivels and rotates.
>I cannot figure a way to fix the ball joint hard
>enough to keep it from rotating while putting a Nyloc
>nut on it. What am I missing here?
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