Rear caliper rebuild - '90 200qa

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue May 11 13:08:14 EDT 2004

The K-man's right.  I was thinking about the pin boots.  The piston has to
be out of the bore to get the boot engaged in the caliper housing.

At 11:26 AM 5/11/2004 -0400, Konstantin Bogach wrote:
>You will have to remove piston from the caliper. It means you need to detach 
>brake line (or pinch it if it is possible in general).  I would recommend to 
>take the caliper to the bench.  After you remove the piston you need to 
>stretch new boot onto the piston lower end, place the boot's lower lip into 
>the calipers groove, screw the piston into the caliper(piston should be 
>lubbed as the boot must not rotate with the piston), position the upper lip 
>in the piston's groove. Reinstall caliper.

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