Tyson's alignment issue/Seattle shop query; calling Bernie Strub

Tessie McMillan tessmc at drizzle.com
Tue May 11 14:28:47 EDT 2004

Hi Tyson,

I feel your pain, having put my dearly beloved '88 through an accident and 
then dealt with trying to figure out what all was broken 
(suspension-wise; we're still finding things here and there, like 
transmission mounts!)

Another source I can mention is Speedware Motorsports. (They are online.) 
This is the current "trick" place where the Porsche track sluts take 
their cars. A caveat, though. While all the work used to be done by 
Colin, one of the owners, who was TOTALLY AWESOME, the shop has now grown 
considerably. The guys at the desk are slightly disconnected from the 
techs, and IMHO this causes a little confusion. They do have a really 
good tech who specializes in accident cars, but you have to ask for him.
You also need to make it clear they need to MEASURE the subframe 
and you don't just want an "alignment". They have the tools to adjust the 
subframe and can put things right.

I've heard that if you go to Centerline, or was that True-Line? the owner 
does good work but he has one hell of a mean personality. I don't know if 
he has the equipment to measure subframes, and it's nice not to have to 
send your car to more than one shop to get your alignment.

Bernie Strub (Bernie, are you there?) might also have a few connections/ 
recommendations. Bernie, who would you recommend for an alignment shop 
that can measure subframe (and also do corner balance)?. I've been meaning 
to ask after my own experiences...

in Bellevue, WA USA

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