NAC - a Toyota Corolla question

Igor Kessel kbattpo at
Wed May 12 20:35:37 EDT 2004

sorry for the lack of Audi content.

A really inexpensive, low mileage automatic '93 Corolla 1.6L has fallen 
into my lap (friend leaves the country for good, friend prefers to the 
drive car to the airport and to leave it behind, key in the ignition, 
Igor sez OK I'll take it off your hands)

The car is 49-state. Excellent conditon, 70 kmi.
My mom lives in Santa Monica and at the present time takes driving 
lessons. The idea is to go over the car with a fine comb, replace all 
the consumables, including the timing belt, drive it from Philly to LA, 
and give it to my mm to beat up.

The recent emission test shows:
Test Value CO x Litres: 0.16%
Test Value HC x Litres: 145ppm
Test Value NO x Litres: 3313ppm

Your vehicle Base Readings are CO (0.10%), HC (91ppm) n ad NO (2071ppm)
Base Reading x Engine Size = Test Value

1. what are the SoCal test values? Will it pass the test?
2. if not, can I pay some kind of a one time fine and make it legal?
3. am I nuts? What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Due to some personal reasons I would prefer not to sell the car over 
here and buy another one over there, if I can help it.

Any advice that you can spare would be most sincerely appreciated.

Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros in the stable,
the third one is in the works

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